It was a lovely week at Quarr Abbey for Open Studios. We were very busy with just over 1000 visitors attending. I took my spinning wheel along to demonstrate spinning. It was great to share my craft with so many interested people, the children were particularly fascinated by the process.
Most of my handspun yarns was snapped up and sold, I think it certainly helps to explain and show people how the yarn is produced as they then have a better understanding of the skill and time needed to produce a handspun yarn and because it is spun with local fleece from Island sheep, it is lovely to hear people are so pleased to get their hands on some special stash for a project they have in mind.
My handwoven work was also very popular and I gained a commission which I look forward to working on in the next few months.
All in all it was a brilliant week to show, sell and share my love of knitting, weaving and spinning and I look forward to returning to Quarr Abbey in November (I'll blog further details about that soon).