Monday 19 April 2010

Launch Time!

Launch time at last!


This weekend our sailing season has begun. Our little Sunstar 18 yacht was lifted back onto the water and now waits happily on her swing mooring for sunny sailing days of kind warm breezes and adventures.

It was a busy (and thankfully sunny morning) with lots of activity and plenty of boat folk down at the Quay; as all the boats that have shared the "winter lay up"at the Quay get lifted in with the cranes on the same day. I always find it quite a stressful time when it's our turn and the crane lifts her up and she dangles in the air before being gently lowered into the water!
All went well and as my husband (skipper) and son (crew for the day) motored her back down the river I was able to take a few photos as they passed by.
We all met up in the pub for a well deserved late lunch.


Dawned another sunny warm spring day, so we packed up a picnic lunch and rowed out in our little dinghy for an afternoon on the water.

There was a gentle NE/E breeze so we "made ready" hoisted the sails and had a lovely relaxing sail down and up river before the wind completely faded, which was about 3pm just the right time to motor back on our mooring for a nice cup of tea!

"Casting on and Casting Off "-
It's what life's all about for me.
More sailing and even knit projects from onboard soon!

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